Welcome to Library & Archives for Falmouth University!
This page is for you if you are both:
- a student on a registered Falmouth University programme
- studying with one of Falmouth University Franchise Partner institutions (see list below).
As a Partner student, you can access our online collections and resources. Start by searching the library collections to discover the digital collections on offer. Explore your subject to find your way to the best resources for your area of study.

Falmouth University Franchise Partners are:
- Bodmin College
- dBs
- Fashion Retail Academy (FRA)
- Fourth Monkey
- Waterbear
If your home institution is not listed, please ask your tutor about access to library resources.
Falmouth University validated programmes will be fully supported by the home institution.
For Franchise Partner students, Falmouth University Library provides:
- Access to a wide range of digital resources, such as electronic books and electronic journals, to inform your research.
- Access to streamed content via Box of Broadcasts or from our collections (both UK only)
- Access to Study Hub - online resources designed to support you with your academic work from researching to critical thinking to referencing.
A small number of online resources, including Mintel, are not available to partner students.
Don’t forget, your home institution also will provide:
- a range of library resources, including access to their physical collections
- help and support with using the library for your studies, including Falmouth University library resources!
To access Falmouth University e-resources, you will need:
- your @falmouth.ac.uk email address
- your Falmouth University login password
These should have been supplied by your home institution when you started your studies.
Problems logging in?
Contact your home institution library in the first instance for support or email library@fxplus.ac.uk.
A small number of online resources, including Mintel, are not available to partner students.
Students studying in Sri Lanka with AMDT have access to a specific set of resources.
You can link to all of these via the resource list below. Use the Table of Contents to see the best resources for your subject area.
You will need to log into the resources using your Falmouth University account.
You will need to use:
- Your @falmouth.ac.uk email address
- Your Falmouth University login password
Your home institution will be able to help you with your research needs and to make the best use of the library and its resources.
They can also support you if you are having problems finding or accessing materials.
If you have problems accessing individual items using Library Search, you can report it directly using the "Problems opening the links above ? Please let us know" option.
Don't forget that there is a wealth of online guides, videos and other resources available:
- Subject guides detail the key resources in each of the main subject areas and advice on how to find the best material for your assignments.
- StudyHub provides online resources designed to support you with your academic work from researching to critical thinking to referencing.
Not all services listed in the StudyHub are available to Falmouth Partner students. Please check with your tutor if you are unsure.
Many Higher Education Institutions offer 'walk-in' access to members of the general public.
This allows you to use the library spaces for study and browse the physical collections. It is usually reference only.
In some instances, they may also provide limited access to certain electronic resources, databases and digital collections.
To find out what is available locally, please look for Visitor or Day Reader pages on the relevant institution's website.
Please note: Access is not guaranteed, and may be restricted, particularly during busy periods.
Sconul Access is a reciprocal service through which students from one member institutions have access to the library services of another member.
Unfortunately, under the terms of the scheme, Falmouth University is unable to provide membership of Sconul Access for students registered on Franchise Partner programmes.
Academic staff employed by Partner institutions should contact their Academic Partner Manager for support with Falmouth Library resources or services.
Your APM will be able to provide advice or refer the issue on to the relevant team.
Access to library resources
Academic staff directly teaching students registered on Falmouth University courses should have access to Falmouth University online resources.
These can be accessed using your Falmouth University log-in details.
Please note:
- Falmouth University online resources are available for the purpose of teaching students on Falmouth University courses only.
- They must not be systematically downloaded for any purpose, including the creation of physical or digital course packs.
- They must not downloaded or redistributed to any other individual, either in printed form, by email, by social networking sites, or by uploading to document sharing sites.
Discover more
From here, you can explore the key resources in each of the main fields of study. You can also access online guides containing tips and advice to get you started with your research.
Online Advice and Guidance
Access a wealth of online advice and guidance to help with your studies - from how to start your search to creating your reference list.