Founded in 1993 by Librarian Roger Towe the former Head of Falmouth Campus Library, this Special Collection consists of approximately 800 rare and specialized illustrated books.

Founded in 1993 by Librarian Roger Towe the former Head of Falmouth Campus Library, this Special Collection consists of approximately 800 rare and specialized illustrated books.
This genre of books was a personal passion for Towe who was a mine of information on the subject and beloved by students. The eclectic nature of this Collection includes publications from the Folio Society, Atlantic Press (set up by Steve Braund long time leader of MA Authorial Practice at Falmouth University) and many other high quality and innovative illustrated books.
This Collection also includes publications by guest speakers from the annual Illustration Forum and selected past students. The finest illustrated books tend to be, by their nature, authorial with Towe building the collection to encompass this alongside key examples of great illustration (eg: Sue Coe’s 'Pit’s Letter') and cutting edge examples of book illustration (eg: Martin Tom Dieck, David Shirley and Graham Rawle).
This Collection is held at the Falmouth Campus Library and is available for loan.
The Collection is fully catalogued. Published books are searchable on the Library catalogue.