Welcome to the School of Film and Television library page! From here you can explore the key resources for the subjects in SoFT.
You'll also find research tips, as well as how to contact the Academic Liaison team, if you need further help.
Don't be limited to the subject guides that relate directly to your course - your research could take you anywhere...

Meet your Librarian
I'm Adam Hill, your Academic Liaison Librarian. I'm here to help you with research, whether that's for your projects or your written assignments. Although research is exciting it can also feel tricky at times - so do get in touch or book an appointment for help. I look forward to hearing from you!
Email: A.Hill@fxplus.ac.uk
Teams: Adam.Hill
Explore your resources
Discover the key information resources for your subject.
Improve your search skills
Hints and tips to help you to find what you need.
Picking the right keywords is an important part of the research process and effects your search results.
You will want the keywords to represent the main concepts in the topic you are exploring. They are, generally speaking, single words or short phrases.
Watch the video on the link below to help you with identifying keywords for searching
You can use Boolean Operators to broaden or narrow your search – these are the terms AND, OR and NOT.
If you use the word AND between terms you will get a narrower search, with results that contain both terms only.
If you use the word OR between terms you will get broader results as it will search for anything that contains either term.
If you use the word NOT between terms you will get a narrower search, excluding the term you don’t want.
Click the link on the video below to learn more about Boolean Operators
It is easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer breadth of information available to you in the library. There are a lot of resources to choose from - newspapers, books, images, journals & audio-visual material to name a few!
Library Search is a great place to start as it searches the majority of our resources in one go. From there, one way to get a feel for the types of resources we have is to browse the shelves – either in person or virtually!
Locate the book, those next to it on the shelf and never underestimate the power of serendipity.
Browsing the shelves in this way will help to develop an overview of the main concepts around a topic and suggest the keywords you can use to hone your searching.
Remember, not all resources are in the Library Search, so do familiarise yourself with the specific resources found in your subject guide.
Box of Broadcasts (BoB) – is a great resource for us at SoFT and allows streaming of broadcast TV and radio.
However, be aware you can only access it in the UK due to the licensing regulations.
You can find the link to access this resource in your subject guides.
Below is a video of Top Tips! when using BoB
Knowing your key digital collections will help you find subject specific resources. The digital collections, or databases as they are also known, allow you to search across journals for high quality academic materials for your studies.
For example, FIAF is a great resource for SoFT students - you can find the link to access it via the subject pages.
The link below take you to an introductory video on using FIAF.
Academic research in your subject area will strengthen your understanding of your own work and who you are as a creative.
Research informs practice by feeding into your thinking and creativity, being aware of other practitioners in your area will allow you to add voices and different perspectives to your own practice. It will enable you to develop your skills through thought and reflection.
The creative process combines doing, reading, thinking and reflecting in conjunction with each other.
Internet-only research seriously limits the depth of knowledge needed to understand and build on a subject and may not be very reliable.
Looking at a range of academic writing will allow you to discover how those in the Film and Television sector work and create, as well as providing the wider academic views on your subject, enabling you to have a better understanding too.
If you are struggling getting started, try the Library Pathway as a great resource and introduction to research.
And remember! You are not in this alone – if you need help or have queries at anytime just drop a line to me, your librarian!
The Library Pathway is a great first place to start your research journey!
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New to the University? Need help navigating your way?
The Library Pathway tells you everything you need to know about making the most of the library in your first term and beyond!
It contains guides, videos, podcast and an interactive checklist so you can measure your progress.

The ASK Academic Skills team
- run workshops on writing, referencing and other study skills
- provide study guides and learning resources
- offer individual advice through one-to-one appointments

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This one-stop-shop provides advice and guidance around studying at University, including online study guides, tips and tricks for making the most of technology and where to go for support.