Welcome to your guide to Quick Reference resources.
The Library provides you a wide range access to books, journals, newspapers, audio-visual content, and other specialist materials for your studies.
This guide looks at factual world of quick reference in more detail...

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Quick Reference covers a range of different types of information resource, which all have a common purpose.
The information within a Quick Reference source will be concise and factual, with no opinion or discussion. It is designed to be consulted, rather than read through and will provide brief, fact-based answers to simple questions.
Quick reference covers a wide range of different resource types including:
- Almanacs and yearbooks
- Bibliographies and biographies
- Dictionaries, thesauri & encyclopaedias
- Directories
- Government publications
- Handbooks & manuals
- Indexes & abstracts
- Maps & atlases
It is important to use the right reference resource for your needs. If in doubt, ask your librarian!
Use quick reference sources to:
- Carry out initial research into a subject, discover background information and context.
- Find factual answers to questions around dates, events, biographies, technical data and definitions.
- Research the activities, financials and personnel of companies and organisations.
- Search for professional, legal or government policy and procedures.
Quick Reference Collections available from the Library include:
- Credo Reference Academic Core Entries from encyclopaedias, handbooks and other sources, covering 80 disciplines. Full-text, video, animation, images/photographs, maps.
- Oxford Reference Online Online access to OUP encyclopaedias, dictionaries and handbooks covering 25 subject areas.
- OED Oxford English Dictionary Online Widely regarded as the accepted authority on the English language: word meanings, etymology and pronunciation.
The video below demonstrates the basic search using Credo.
Don’t forget –many quick reference resources are subject-specific. Check out your subject guide for details.
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